Monday, March 16, 2009
Komik sebagai media pendidikan dan media informasi
Pasca reformasi tahun 1998, media komik marak menjadi salah satu media informasi dan pendidikan baik bagi instansi pemerintah dan lsm-lsm, komik-komik tersebut antara lain;
keep trying.....
Dalam perjalanan saya meneliti komik Jepang saya sudah mencoba beberapa sudut pandang salah satunya adalah yang di bawah ini:
Permasalahan Pokok
Social relativism:
Menurut Lebra (1976), kebudayaan dapat dimanifestasikan dalam bermacam-macam bentuk, salah satunya dapat dilihat dari perilaku pastisipan kebudayaan yang bersangkutan. Adapun perilaku yang dimaksud adalah perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam Interaksi sosial
Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan meneliti perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam konteks kebudayaan. Menurut Lebra, kebudayaan dimanifestasikan dalam bermacam-macam bentuk, salah satunya melalui sudut pandang perilaku dari partisipan dalam kebudayaan yang bersangkutan (Lebra, 1976).
Japanese behavior in the cultural context.
Will gain better understanding of the behavior patterns as manifested within a culture that has been generated and accumulated, taught and learned, carried and circulated, believed in and acted out by the Japanese.
It is equally important to assume that studying the Japanese should lead to a deeper understanding of human culture and behavior.
Japanese behavior as a sample of the behavior of Homo Sapiens---nomothetic point of view---area-bound culture---phenomenon of culture borrowing from other areas---Japanese are known for their eagerness to borrow indiscriminately---idiografic commitment.
Culture and Behavior:
Culture is manifested in various forms.
Japanese culture from the point of view of the behavior of participants in that culture.
Culture and behavior interact:
Culture is a set of general, abstract, or ideational symbols…behavior is a series of observable, specific, muscular, organism-attached motions or postures.
Behavior is a manifestation of, or a vehicle for conveying culture.
Function of culture in relation to behavior:
1. Culture provides a meaning, explanation, or interpretation for an observed behavior---culture is a set of cognitive codes.
2. Culture gives a set of alternative direction of behavior---destination of behavior:
The goal or end to which behavior is oriented.
Pathways or means to reach the destination.
Norms and rules controlling behavior toward that destination.
I want to locate what is essential to the ordinary Japanese, to identify what their life goals are, what elates them or upsets them, what makes them happy or unhappy, pleased or angry---“what turns the Japanese on”. In other words…interested in those aspect of cultural behavior that are valued charged.
What is value and how does it relate to behavior?
Parsonian scheme--- two dimension of value, each conceptualized in a dichotomy:
1. The obligatory-desirable dichotomy. A value as an obligatory standard is inhibitive, and may be perceived as a constraint or burden. A value as a desirable attribute…corresponds with the affective aspect of behavior; it is something that carries emotional attachment, is voluntarily sought.
2. The expressive-instrumental dichotomy. A value is expressive if it is exalted as an end itself, whereas a value is instrumental if it is considered a useful means to an end.
Conflict and Alternatives:
The objective is to set forth the dynamic, conflict-ridden interplay of the components of culture in conjunction with individual behavior. This further relates to the importance attached …to social interaction between individuals or groups as the key linkage between culture and behavior.
The interaction focus should provide another explanation for variation and contrast, as well as uniformity and redundancy, in behavior from individual to individual within a culture.
Saya bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai perilaku orang Jepang dalam berinteraksi secara social, khususnya perilaku yang culture-specific dan value-ridden yang tercermin dalam salah satu media massa popular Jepang, yakni manga. Alas an menggunakan manga sebagai sumber data karena manga atau buku komik merupakan salah satu genre naratif modern yang mana di dalamnya mencerminkan kehidupan modern dan mempunyai andil dalam perkembangan dunia modern. Kerangka pemikiran yang akan digunakan dalam studi ini adalah konsep “social relativism” dari Takie Sugiyama Lebra. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Japanese Patterns of Behavior”, Lebra membahas mengenai perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam interaksi sosial, khususnya perilaku yang culture-spesific dan value-ridden.
Permasalahan Pokok
Social relativism:
Menurut Lebra (1976), kebudayaan dapat dimanifestasikan dalam bermacam-macam bentuk, salah satunya dapat dilihat dari perilaku pastisipan kebudayaan yang bersangkutan. Adapun perilaku yang dimaksud adalah perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam Interaksi sosial
Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan meneliti perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam konteks kebudayaan. Menurut Lebra, kebudayaan dimanifestasikan dalam bermacam-macam bentuk, salah satunya melalui sudut pandang perilaku dari partisipan dalam kebudayaan yang bersangkutan (Lebra, 1976).
Japanese behavior in the cultural context.
Will gain better understanding of the behavior patterns as manifested within a culture that has been generated and accumulated, taught and learned, carried and circulated, believed in and acted out by the Japanese.
It is equally important to assume that studying the Japanese should lead to a deeper understanding of human culture and behavior.
Japanese behavior as a sample of the behavior of Homo Sapiens---nomothetic point of view---area-bound culture---phenomenon of culture borrowing from other areas---Japanese are known for their eagerness to borrow indiscriminately---idiografic commitment.
Culture and Behavior:
Culture is manifested in various forms.
Japanese culture from the point of view of the behavior of participants in that culture.
Culture and behavior interact:
Culture is a set of general, abstract, or ideational symbols…behavior is a series of observable, specific, muscular, organism-attached motions or postures.
Behavior is a manifestation of, or a vehicle for conveying culture.
Function of culture in relation to behavior:
1. Culture provides a meaning, explanation, or interpretation for an observed behavior---culture is a set of cognitive codes.
2. Culture gives a set of alternative direction of behavior---destination of behavior:
The goal or end to which behavior is oriented.
Pathways or means to reach the destination.
Norms and rules controlling behavior toward that destination.
I want to locate what is essential to the ordinary Japanese, to identify what their life goals are, what elates them or upsets them, what makes them happy or unhappy, pleased or angry---“what turns the Japanese on”. In other words…interested in those aspect of cultural behavior that are valued charged.
What is value and how does it relate to behavior?
Parsonian scheme--- two dimension of value, each conceptualized in a dichotomy:
1. The obligatory-desirable dichotomy. A value as an obligatory standard is inhibitive, and may be perceived as a constraint or burden. A value as a desirable attribute…corresponds with the affective aspect of behavior; it is something that carries emotional attachment, is voluntarily sought.
2. The expressive-instrumental dichotomy. A value is expressive if it is exalted as an end itself, whereas a value is instrumental if it is considered a useful means to an end.
Conflict and Alternatives:
The objective is to set forth the dynamic, conflict-ridden interplay of the components of culture in conjunction with individual behavior. This further relates to the importance attached …to social interaction between individuals or groups as the key linkage between culture and behavior.
The interaction focus should provide another explanation for variation and contrast, as well as uniformity and redundancy, in behavior from individual to individual within a culture.
Saya bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai perilaku orang Jepang dalam berinteraksi secara social, khususnya perilaku yang culture-specific dan value-ridden yang tercermin dalam salah satu media massa popular Jepang, yakni manga. Alas an menggunakan manga sebagai sumber data karena manga atau buku komik merupakan salah satu genre naratif modern yang mana di dalamnya mencerminkan kehidupan modern dan mempunyai andil dalam perkembangan dunia modern. Kerangka pemikiran yang akan digunakan dalam studi ini adalah konsep “social relativism” dari Takie Sugiyama Lebra. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Japanese Patterns of Behavior”, Lebra membahas mengenai perilaku masyarakat Jepang dalam interaksi sosial, khususnya perilaku yang culture-spesific dan value-ridden.
Pada awal saya memulai penelitian tentang komik Jepang atau Manga, saya bertanya kepada diri sendiri, Mau diapakan mahluk bernama "Manga" ini? Apa yang mau diteliti dari sebuah buku komik yang notabene buku bacaan anak-anak yang berkonotasi negatif... tapi atas bantuan dan dorongan Ibu Ilya (Universitas Indonesia) dan Prof. Saya Shiraishi (Tokyo University)saya dapat menyelesaikan penelitian saya tentang buku komik dan juga menjadi salah satu poin yang merubah hidup saya.....
Masa masa perjuangan,,,,
Kerangka Pemikiran penelitian mengenai manga
Critical Theory
Structural Approach
Marxist Critical Theory
Social Cultural Approach
Cultural Studies
I. Critical Theory
Critical social science. Three essential features of critical social science:
1. Critical social scientists believe it necessary to understand the lived experience of real people in context.
2. Critical approaches examine social condition and uncover oppressive power arrangements.
3. Critical social science makes a conscious attempt to fuse theory and action.
Critical theories in communication field are so broad so to make it simpler, Dennis Mumby provides a simple and clear scheme that useful for sorting out this problem. Mumby classifies communication scholarship into two broads groups—modern and postmodern. He presents four “discursive positions”;
• Discourse of representation or modernism (positivist).
• Discourse of understanding or interpretative modernism.
• Discourse of suspicion or critical modernism.
• Discourse of vulnerability or postmodernism.
II. Structural Approach
III. Marxist Critical Theory
IV. Social Cultural Approach
V. Cultural Studies
VI. Semiotic
Critical Theory
Structural Approach
Marxist Critical Theory
Social Cultural Approach
Cultural Studies
I. Critical Theory
Critical social science. Three essential features of critical social science:
1. Critical social scientists believe it necessary to understand the lived experience of real people in context.
2. Critical approaches examine social condition and uncover oppressive power arrangements.
3. Critical social science makes a conscious attempt to fuse theory and action.
Critical theories in communication field are so broad so to make it simpler, Dennis Mumby provides a simple and clear scheme that useful for sorting out this problem. Mumby classifies communication scholarship into two broads groups—modern and postmodern. He presents four “discursive positions”;
• Discourse of representation or modernism (positivist).
• Discourse of understanding or interpretative modernism.
• Discourse of suspicion or critical modernism.
• Discourse of vulnerability or postmodernism.
II. Structural Approach
III. Marxist Critical Theory
IV. Social Cultural Approach
V. Cultural Studies
VI. Semiotic
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